The Art of Science

We tell scientific stories in pictures


We connect scientific knowledge, visual communication and storytelling to make science understandable to everybody.

Dive with us into the world of scientific knowledge.

You are a scientist and you want to bring your science down from the ivory tower? Transfer your research to a broader audience and increase your visibility through awesome illustrations.

You are an artist and curious to show what holds the world in its innermost folds? Get in touch with scientists who are the key to knowledge and find a common path to illustrate their science on exceptional ways.

 You are a journalist and keen to tell thrilling stories about exciting scientific outcomes? Complete the team and contribute with the magic of storytelling to let the little plant of knowledge grow in everybody’s mind.

Join our network.

An Illustration by TAOS

Original publication: Mascher, Martin et al. “A Chromosome Conformation Capture Ordered Sequence of the Barley Genome.” Nature 544 (2017): 427–433. doi:10.1038/nature22043

A place to talk about science​

Scientists sit in their ivory towers, cut off from the outside world, on the way to find out what holds the world in its innermost folds. There, an alien language is spoken that differs dramatically between the fields and makes communication between the varieties of different towers almost impossible, not to mention to all other people.

On the same time designers try to connect the world with images, ever present in our life, on every product we buy, in all the advertisements we see. The power of graphic design has permeated our entire world.

However, scientific knowledge and new discoveries are no products to be sold, but a public good. Often scientists are even afraid to leave their towers, for fear that the scientific meaning gets lost through simplification. Even if in the meantime a lot of scientific knowledge is published under open source conditions, the alien language still prevents the majority to be able to understand the basic story.

Just today, in times of fake news and alternative facts, accessible scientific knowledge becomes even more essential to each of us. Knowledge is power. In a free world this power should be there for every individual to build up a personal opinion and distinguish between right and wrong for ourselves.

Connecting scientists and designers paves the way for a comprehensible language. Together they can create knowledge for everybody without losing the accuracy of the scientific content.

Of course, this is not a simple task, but it is definitely worth to try. Therefore, we are reaching out to build a network of designers, scientists and journalists. Let us start to give the power of knowledge to everybody with the power of design and science.

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