
Contact us if you are interested to communicate your publication and science. We are scientist and illustrators and are working together with many passionate people that all love to make science visual. Let’s become creative.

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We offer:

 Illustration  “Graphical Abstract“

 We create an illustrated summary („Graphical Abstract“) for your publication to present the topic in way that is understandable for non-experts and we do this by illustrations. The scientific publication can be still in review, just published or published some time ago.


Video “Cutting Sketch Science“ 

We create a “Cutting Sketch Science“ video for your publication to present the topic briefly and in way that is understandable for non-experts. We do this by cutout animation techniques. Your scientific publication can be still in review or already published.


Workshop “Show Your Publication”

In cooperation with artists and external lecturer, we offer a workshop introducing techniques to communicate your own research to the public in an understandable way using simple methods. Our target group are primarily PhD students or fresh postdocs.

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For further info about any of these services send an email to
